Nearest airport is Mumbai, 60 kms.
Nearest railhead are Thane, Kalyan on Central Railway and Vasai Road, Virar on Western Railway. There are frequent trains.
Mumbai Ganeshpuri 80 kms. Via Bhivandi and 88kms. Via Ghodbunder. State Transport buses ply from Thane, Kalyan, Virar and Vasai to Ganeshpuri.
Ganeshpuri is about 30 kms. by road from the local railway station Vasai road or Virar. The state transport buses take about one hour up to Ganeshpuri. From local trains rail stations Kalyan to Thane. There are state transport buses via Bhiwandi to Ganeshpuri. For faster bus journey it may be better to take buses via Bhiwandi and change bus other from Bhiwandi to Ganeshpuri. Bus travel time may be up to 2 hours. Ganeshpuri is in a valley on the bomks of Tansa river and the attitude is only a few hundred feet above mean sea level. The woods and hills around give it a serene atmosphere.
June to August is the rainy (umbrella) season. In September & October days are a bit warm but nights are pleasant. November to February days are pleasant and light warm clothing or shawl is required in the mornings and evenings. From March it starts becoming warmer. April to May are progressively warmer when very light cotton clothes are desirable.
Ganeshpuri gets very good rainfall during the monsoons. The arrival of monsoon in June first + 3 week is greeted by everyone as it brings relief from the summer heat. Monsoon showers are up to September when the cool starts setting in slowly. Light woolen are required from evening to early fore noon from November to February. From March the temperatures stars to rise and it is sweat season till the rains come.